Tuesday 10 April 2018

Baby Blogging - The Vlog - Your Questions Answered!

Welcome to the first baby log of April!

In this post we thought we would share our vlog answering questions about our IVF journey. It's been a while since we last vlogged, in fact it may be almost 2 years when did the Lesbian Wife Life Tag.  That seems crazy especially as it's been a busy two years but we eventually got around to it thanks to having some time in Mallorca on our BabyMoon.

If you want to check out our channel you'll find us at Sarah + Laura on YouTube.

The five questions we answered on the Baby Vlog were:

  • How did we decide who would carry?
  • Why IVF over IUI?
  • Best thing about the pregnancy journey?
  • Hardest thing about the pregnancy journey?
  • What advice do we have for other couples trying to conceive?
So here's the video: https://youtu.be/XlouArGluBU

If you do ave any questions we didn't answer by all means:
Ask us on Instagram @SarahplusLaura
Inbox on Twitter @SarahplusLaura
Message on Facebook @SarahplusLaura
Or add a comment below. All we ask is that you don't just say 'hi'. I know that may seem a strange request but recently we have has a lot of messages just saying 'hi' and we have no idea if they are spammers, so just launch into the questions and we'll message you back at our first opportunity.

Right now I am bumping my way back from London on a train, our little lady is the size of a bunch of banana's, which I find really unspecific - is there a standard number of banana's in a bunch?! and kicking up a storm. I think my voice in the team meeting I hosted sent her to sleep so she is using the 2 and a half hour train ride to stretch her legs. Good for her.....less good for me :)

I'll be back soon with our next Baby blogging update but if you want to catch up on the journey so far you can click:
Where it all began
Weeks 6-12
The family announcements
Weeks 13-19
Weeks 20-24
It's A.....
10 reasons my wife is AMAZING

Hope you enjoy!

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